How I work with you
Together we will think deeply about the issues that are concerning you. It is up to you what you wish to explore in therapy, and I will not set any particular agenda for your sessions. What I will do is listen and try to help you make sense of the difficulties you are experiencing. This often involves thinking not only about your current situation but also about things from the past that may be affecting you, in ways that might not always be clear.
In our work together, we will think about patterns that may be repeating in your life and your relationships, and wonder about the meaning of your experiences, your memories, your dreams. My aim is to help you to gain more self-awareness and understanding, and so empower you to lead a richer, more meaningful and more present life.
At the heart of my practice is a relational approach, which means that the relationship between the two of us is central to the work that we do together. I aim to create an empathic, non-judgemental working relationship, helping you feel safe to trust me with your thoughts and feelings.
I will always treat you with the utmost respect, listen to you, and aim to understand and see things from your point of view, while at the same time offering you the benefit of my thinking and perspective.